It’s a glorious, beautiful day, people and the world are out there, and like so often, I had “chosen” to park in front of my computer screen. I often feel guilty for “giving” away my precious time. Do you? What if we could “choose” differently? Could I take trying to “be present” to another level?

Taking quiet time each day gives me a second wind.
I think I can speak for many of us when I say the world is moving fast and some days it’s just plain overwhelming, right? I don’t know about you but I have mixed feelings about social media. I love that I can see what friends and family are doing but there’s no real “connection.” I learn so much from what is shared, but then I find myself in information-overload and I’ve just given away two hours of my life in front of a screen.
Last week I decided to try an experiment and went off-grid for the day. I noticed some really cool things. I chose to personally “connect” with people as well as with myself. I noticed that I felt more relaxed, less anxious, happier, more grateful, more self-loving. I was able to “slow down” and listen to the rhythms of life and listen to my personal rhythms… truly a beautiful thing.
From this little experiment, I continue to build awareness for living with intention that makes for a healthy life of love and peace. And much of that comes from human connection, and digital disconnection. Here are 6 things that I tried for a week as part of my experiment.

Finding new ways to express gratitude during the day can be quite rewarding.
Each day, I tried to:
- Pick up my phone to call and speak with a person in my life
- Take 5 minutes to meditate or be alone with nature or another sacred space
- Put something healthy into my body
- Find and express gratitude for a different blessing, like being able to turn a light on in my home or having the resources to pay a bill
- Help someone, or offer a kindness
- Let go of one thing I am attached to: an outside coffee purchase, personal item, or time on social media for a designated time
If you decide to try this experiment, please let me know how you feel at the end of that day.

Personal connections with self and others is important, I believe.
Habits are hard to break and it’s so easy to get caught up in the ebb and flow of cultural tides. What I’m trying to achieve is healthier “awareness” in my life. In one day, I found that by thinking and choosing differently and intentionally, I was truly less overwhelmed and more at peace. Another building block.
My post title says “6 things, each day or week.” Perhaps you might find one item on the list each day to try and see how that feels. I actually found that 6 per day isn’t that difficult when you really break it down. And it feels so good! Try it!
Today, I wish for all of us the desire to keep connecting in personal, loving, kind, intentional ways, not only with others, but with ourselves. Can we still find grace and gratitude in the not so obvious? Can we let go of the “things” and activities that don’t nourish our souls? I say yes!
With Gratitude for “Nourishing Connections!”
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