Welcome to Christy's Non Toxic Lifestyle. We’re all so busy managing: families, careers, households, relationships and even technology. At some point, something has to give — and eventually it will — unless we all “slow down” and start giving more attention to our health and the one body we’ve been given. Empower yourself! You can live a non toxic lifestyle!

Note: After 10 years, I just wanted to thank you, my readers for helping me to make this a better site. We're all in this together.   I'm continually looking to improve the process and quality of this site for me AND for you. So grateful for all of your emails to me but I would love it if you’d share your thoughts in the “comments” section of my site, too, so others can contribute and benefit from each other’s feedback. Thank you!

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Favorite Fall Posts

Bedtime Rituals for Better Sleep

So here we are, soon returning to Standard Time again.  While we all love that extra hour of sleep, these twice-a-year “adjustments” tend to affect many of us by disrupting our circadian rhythms. According to Psychology Today, circadian rhythm is often referred to as the “body clock.” The circadian rhythm is a 24-hour cycle that tells our bodies when to sleep and regulates many other physiological processes. Click here for more!

Magnesium Matters!

In the past few months, several friends have commented on their insomnia, night leg cramps, depression, migraines and brain fog. Did you know that these can often be symptoms of magnesium deficiency? Did you know that magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body? It truly plays a big part in the health of one’s body. Even when we think we’re getting enough nutrients through our food, we may actually be deficient. Click here for more!

Sleep on This – Cherries!

For many of us, we’re just leaving summer season when fruits and vegetables are plentiful! One of my very favorite fruits are cherries. I just can’t get enough of them in July, when they’re in season. Not surprising is that my favorite pie flavor is cherry, too. In addition to the fact that they’re plump and juicy and just taste amazing, they actually can help with sleep. No kidding! Read on and I’ll tell you how. Click here for more!

The Perfect Storm Theory of Breast Cancer and Iodine Deficiency

Okay, so how many conversations do you hear about this topic? Believe me when I say it’s important!  In Lynne Farrow’s book The Iodine Crisis I recently read that thyroid and breast disease “skyrocketed between 1970 and 2000.” Why would that be, I thought? I continued reading. Apparently iodine was looked at as a “universal medicine” going back thousands of years, and used primarily in it’s earlier form as seaweed. Click here for more!

Let’s Talk – BBC and KISS!

Okay, we’re all seeing it –“Breast Cancer Awareness” month. Awareness is a good thing, but as a breast cancer survivor it bothers me that PREVENTION isn’t at the top of the list. Research and shopping to support research for a cure is a noble idea but how can we personally empower ourselves to minimize getting a breast cancer diagnosis to begin with? It’s physically, emotionally and financially sounder to PREVENT disease, right?! Click here for more!

Prevention, Healing and Tips!

As we all know, this is Breast Cancer Awareness month. There is a ton of information out there and we are being brought to further awareness each and every day, especially this month. The onslaught of information to help and comfort, while well intentioned, can also bring feelings of fear, helplessness, memories of lost loved ones, and other emotions. I know – I’ve been there. Click here for more!

Foods for Lung Health

A few years ago, Portland, Oregon, registered the poorest air quality in the world due to the raging fires in their state. Read that again… In. The. World. Anyone who spent that particular day outside in Portland had inhaled the equivalent of 15 cigarettes according to an Oregon news source. And that smoke has made its way across the country to Maine due to the jet streams. Click here for more!

Fall Allergies — Dairy, Apples, Honey and Neti Pots, Oh My!

While autumn signals the beginning of allergies for some folks, others tend to suffer year round. Ragweed is the main irritant for my husband during the fall, starting in early August and running through mid-October. I’m one of the lucky ones who have year round sensitivities to dust and mold. Either way, allergies can leave one feeling tired, and just plain miserable. Click here for more!

Foods That Can Cause or Worsen Congestion

Hi all! Whether it’s Spring or Fall,  many of us find  the delights of of the season often bring pollen and allergies. Did you know that while you may be eating healthy, some of those foods may be causing histamines, worsening your allergies and congestion? And for those of you who suffer from regular sinusitis (inflammation or swelling of the tissues lining the sinuses), there’s some good info here that might at least help bring you relief! Click here for more!

Top 10 Travel Tips for Staying Healthy

“Let the games begin!” We all have heard that Thanksgiving and Christmas are the busiest travel times of the year. So is the spring and summer! While the beginning of the holiday season brings us together for joyful times with family and friends, we are also at a higher risk for getting sick when we jump on an airplane to visit them. In the spirit of recognizing how busy we all are, and wanting to simplify this post, here are my Top 10 Travel Tips for staying healthy while flying this year: Click here for more!

Enter the No Flu Zone – Boost Your Immune System!

Yep, we’re officially in the cold and flu season and there are lots of germs flying around. So how do you stay healthy? I recently read that one teaspoon of sugar has been shown to depress the immune system for up to 4 hours! Okay, so there’s one excellent reason to walk away from processed and refined sugars. We’re all washing our hands and trying to minimize exposure. We’ve all heard about the importance of sleep along with the importance of taking daily probiotics since 70 percent of our immune systems lie in our digestive tracts. Click here for more!

Soup’s On – A Flu Fighter and More!

We’re well into seasonal changes and  some places more so than others, and nothing says comfort like a good, healthy, steaming bowl of soup when it’s cold outside! Today, I’m sharing one of my favorite and relatively easy to make recipes: Mushroom-Spinach Soup with Cinnamon, Coriander and Cumin! Did you know that one needs to cook mushrooms to get the nutritional benefits from them? I used to throw them raw on my salads but now I know better. Click here for more!

Powerhouse Pumpkins!

It’s officially autumn and with this season I always think of pumpkins! We carve them, decorate with them and best of all, we eat pumpkin in many delicious ways! Loaded with vitamins and minerals, pumpkin is low in calories, so indulge! In today’s post, I’m going to share the health benefits of eating real pumpkin (not to be confused with artificial seasonings) along with one of my favorite recipes and links to beautiful, easy-to-make table centerpieces! Click here for more!

Acid Relief Coming Your Way!

Did you know that an estimated 15 million Americans use some form of acid-blocking drug such as Nexium, Prilosec or Prevacid? Their job is to block the production of stomach acid, but actually we need stomach acid to digest food.  Reducing stomach acid leaves us open and vulnerable to other not-so-great issues. It’s not easy to quit, but let me share with you why it’s important to look at other options! Click here for more!

This Organic Wine Company Rocks!

Want to try some amazing organic wine for the first time and buy a bottle for a penny? Click here! And, what would you say to drinking a delicious, no-morning hangover, no sugar, no carb, gluten-free and lower-alcohol wine that can be delivered to your door? Can’t be healthy AND taste delicious, AND give you that nice little wine buzz, you say? An organic wine that we LOVE!! This organic wine is so much healthier, and quite honestly ROCKS! Click here for more!

Tasty Winter Soups

Many parts of our country are experiencing wet weather and cold temperatures. ! Even though our Denver weather is mild, the changes are being felt and I find soup one of the most comforting of foods during this time of year. and well into winter months. There are so many options for healthy soups and if you make big batches, you can freeze and enjoy down the road. Here are 3 of my winter favs. Enjoy! Click here for more!

Warming Trends

Many years ago, I visited my acupuncturist in New England because I was feeling sluggish and experienced digestive issues following eating most meals. While my diet WAS “healthy,” he pointed out that most of my meals, including beverages, were cold. I’ve always loved green, super salads and iced tea, coffee and water. He suggested that I try “warming” my foods. Fast forward 20 years and here’s the advice of another expert in this area. Click here for more!

Super Simple Nut-Seed Bread

Hands down, this is the easiest bread I’ve ever made, AND it’s healthy and delicious! It’s gluten-free, vegan, oil-free, grain-free, sugar-free, and Keto-friendly! A dear friend introduced us to this bread over a year ago and it’s become a staple in our kitchen. I usually make two loaves at a time, especially since it’s super easy. Click here for more!

How Healthy Is Your Self-Cleaning Oven?

So a few times a year,  (yes, it should be more) I tackle the big job of oven cleaning.  However, as I open my oven after many months of lots of use,  I am more inclined to procrastinate. Many of us have self-cleaning ovens, but wait, what’s that nasty smell that comes with burning throat and itchy eyes that comes with that convenience? Click here for more!

Cleaning Products in Your Home

Years ago I thought I was being a super mom in that I was keeping a really clean house. Little did I realize that behind the “sparkle” I was exposing my family and pets to toxic fumes from most of the cleaning products I was using. One of the worst was bleach. Boy did my toilets and ceramic bowls shine but at an expense of poor and toxic air quality to me and my family. Click here for more!

The ABCs of VOCs!

From time to time I’m going to turn my blog over to a friend or colleague who is really “the pro” in their respective area of healthy living. This week I’m pleased to announce my first guest blogger, Natalie Oliva, a bright, young foodie, with a degree from the French Culinary Institute in New York. She has a passion for fresh, healthy foods that incorporate seasonal ingredients. When you hear, “Baby, it’s Cold Outside,” there’s nothing better than a steaming bowl of hot soup! Click here for more!

The Healing Power of Reiki

It’s an understatement when I say I had the good fortune of being introduced to Reiki nearly 20 years ago! I had been diagnosed with cancer and was looking for anything to help me heal. I am so grateful that I am open to trying new things, especially healing modalities, as long as it doesn’t involve pain! I’ve learned that the world is abundant in healing resources. We just have to know how to tap into them. Click here for more!

On Pins and Needles – Acupuncture 101

After decades of being prescribed antibiotics by my doctor for my chronic and frequent sinus infections, I tried my first acupuncture treatment 25 years ago. It was time to to try something different, and I was delighted that I could breathe so much better after my first treatment! I learned that regular treatments could help me manage my allergies and build and maintain my immune system. Click here for more!

Happy Feet: The Health Benefits of Foot Reflexology!

Did you know that the human foot and ankle contains 26 bones, 33 joints, more than 100 ligaments, muscles and tendons? The bones in both of your feet added together make up about 25 percent of all the bones in your body. Our feet carry an incredible load everyday and yet are typically the least pampered parts of our bodies. Many cultures have practiced foot massages for years as an alternative to medicine in promoting good health and wellness. And WHO doesn’t enjoy a good foot rub? Click here for more!

Favorite Holiday Posts

Emotional Eating – Who Me?

Okay, so I think it’s probably fair to say 99% of us have put food in our mouths as a reaction to some emotion. We’ve all heard of the phrase “comfort” food, right? It helps us cope during times when we may be feeling depressed or out-of-touch with life. But then there are the times we eat when we’re celebrating too! I know I have justified eating the wrong foods and too much of them because “we’re celebrating!” Food provides us nutrition and sustenance physically but where do the emotions come in regarding food? Click here for more!

Please Schedule this ASAP!

Self-care is now being taken seriously and you hear about it everywhere! It’s not selfish, but rather essential to one’s overall health. All it takes is 5 minutes, yes 5 minutes and bingo, you’ve done it! What I want you, my dear reader, to promise me is to take 5 minutes to pick a date this week and book yourself a massage! And no cancelling! Click here for more!

PBR and R

I know I speak for almost everyone as we can relate to times when we feel “overwhelmed.” It could be daily, weekly or only sporadically, depending on our respective lives, situations, and current world events. I won’t even go into what “overwhelms” each of us, but I think we can all agree that, at times, we feel out of control, or burned out and that it’s all “too much.” Click here for more!

My Holiday “Not-To-Do” List

A number of years ago some friends and I started the conversation of how cool a “Not-To-Do” list would be, even year round. Seems like so many of us live by lists and when one is finished, we create (yes, we do have choices) another. Certainly there are priorities in our respective lives but in looking at this habit/activity, how many of us could benefit from the culling of the list. And the holiday list… Oh my! Click here for more!

How to Have MORE money, LESS Stress and MORE Fun this Holiday Season!

Recently,  I was sitting next to a lovely thirty-something mother at the nail salon. The conversation turned to the holidays; with a sigh and slumped shoulders, she proceeded to lament the burden of holiday shopping. Her annual shopping experience that not only includes her family also includes her circle of friends, all of whom she adores. I suggested that perhaps her group of girlfriends might celebrate their friendship AND the holidays together at a favorite restaurant instead of buying material gifts. Click here for more!

Top Ten Reasons to Love Celestial Seasonings Teas!

I few years ago I had the privilege of touring the Celestial Seasonings facility in Boulder, Colorado with my friend, Susan! This remarkable company has been dedicated to providing health, wellness and delicious teas and other products to the consumer for more than 40 years. Founded by Mo Siegel, Peggy Clute and Wyck Hay in 1969, they are the largest herbal tea company in North American, producing 1.2 billion cups of tea per year. Click here for more!

Helping Children with Holiday Stress

Last year I wrote about sensory overload during the holidays, especially for the children in our lives. Since I wrote that there’s a wonderful new book out that could be the early and beautiful gift that keeps on giving. “I AM PEACE – a Book of Mindfulness,” was written by author Susan Verde, who has written several other children’s books including “I Am Yoga.” This amazing book helps children manage their emotions while learning to be mindful, using imagination and experiencing the beauty of our natural world. Click here for more!

How did I get PERC on my Party Dress?

T’is the season…” with looking at  holiday parties and getting dressed in our finest clothes, often clothes that can’t or shouldn’t be just tossed in the washer and dryer. Is traditional dry cleaning safe? I don’t think so. Heard of PERC? It’s an acronym for tetrachloroethylene, also known as perchloroethylene. (If you can pronounce these you’re a rock star!) PERC is the primary solvent used in 85 percent of the approximately 35,000 dry cleaners in the U.S. (Green American) Click here for more!

Kids and Holiday Anxiety

Holidays are great fun, but let’s face it, don’t we all experience some level of sensory overload and/or anxiety during this time? There’s an overabundance of activities, sugary and not-so-healthy foods, parties, decorations, travel and extra time with family and friends. Tough for adults to manage but how can we help our little ones through to avoid hyperactivity and/or meltdowns? Click here for more!

The Power of Two – Intention & Change

I wrote about “The Power of Two” last year as an exercise in de-cluttering, intended to reduce the crush of feeling overwhelmed. Many of us dread home projects because they can loom so large in our minds. Truth is, many times they are large. My daily mantra for the past year has been “the power of two, the power of two,” in helping me find empowerment, accomplishment and change in my daily actions and habits. Click here for more!

What Do You Value?

What do you value? Is what you value shown in your daily choices? Are you expending the appropriate energy each day toward that which you value? I find myself continuing to ask myself these questions as part of journey in a spiritual class I took a number of years ago. Do my choices and actions reflect my values, to myself, to others? As the days seem to go faster, I am becoming more acutely aware of time and my role in the world. Click here for more!

Who Loves YOU?

Now, more than ever, I am convinced that we can’t truly offer love to others unless we offer love to ourselves. This year, how about marking each  day with a commitment to loving one’s self in the coming year? I’m not going to muddle this post with any extra text, I just invite you to join me in a year of gentle kindness with ourselves. Let’s see what magic happens! Click here for more!

Managing Life in a Connected World

I know I’m not alone by any stretch when I share that technology has also created a whole new set of challenges in time management. How many of us walk into our homes daily and head straight to the computer to check email and social media, sometimes only five minutes after looking at our smartphones, and checking for text messages? Aren’t we all so important these days! Do we really need to be contacted or contact others during almost every waking hour? Click here for more!

The Art of Doing Nothing

Consider reduced stress of transportation to and from a demanding work environment. Consider being able to squeeze in a 20-minute meditation or nap during the day. Consider that these actually enhance our immune systems. Less stress, rest, and relaxation equals stronger immune systems as well as adrenal strength, our fight and flight responses to stress. Let me say it another way: Stronger immune systems = lower risk of and quicker recovery from illness. Click here for more!

Self-Nourishment During and Post Covid

Our days have certainly changed post Covid? It’s now been labeled a flu. While it was a crazy time, we witnessed humans  stepping up and showing love and kindnesses in the most remarkable, creative ways! We still see examples of them every day on Social Media, the news and in our own neighborhoods. One of the greatest acts of love we can show fellow humans is sometimes staying home when we’re ill. Click here for more!

Highlights From Christy’s Non Toxic Lifestyle

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Quotes That Inspire
  • To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear–Buddha

  • The best way to detoxify is to stop putting toxic things into the body and depend upon it's own mechanisms–Andrew Weil

  • "Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where Nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike–John Muir