Try looking for beeswax candles that use essential oils for a healthy alternative to paraffin or soy.
Non Toxic Air Fresheners
- Buy an infuser at any Bed, Bath and Beyond or natural products shop and put a few drops of essential oils in them each day. I love orange and lemon! And there are some that provide immune support. Link to essential oils. So much healthier! Lavender is a natural anti-bacterial, smells good and is calming. Orange essential oil is a mood booster and smells wonderful too!
- Mix 1 Tbsp. backing soda, 2 cups distilled water and 10 drops of essential oil in a spray bottle and mist away!
- If you love candles, try a beeswax candle which is healthy and safe for all.
Non Toxic Carpet Cleaning
Baking soda, lemon juice and carbonated water can be an effective way to clean an unwanted stain of your carpet.
Dry — Baking soda-naturally absorbs odors, is inexpensive, and removes most greasy stains. Sprinkle on an area and let sit for 30 minutes then vacuum. Full-strength baking soda does a great job of removing red wine stains if treated early.
- Liquid — White vinegar and equal parts water make for and inexpensive, non toxic way to remove light stains. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water or a natural, vegetable oil-based soap.
- Steam — Instead of using a commercial steam cleaning solution, pour equal parts of water and white vinegar in the cleaner’s reservoir. Use the steam cleaner as directed. When dry, the vinegar smell will disappear. If any odor remains, sprinkle a bit of baking soda over the carpet, let sit for a few hours and vacuum.
- Professional — Three years ago I discovered a company here in Denver that provides non toxic carpet cleaning. They use hot water extraction(Steam) that incorporates an organic salt-based solution. The solution is safe, healthy, odorless and leaves no chemical residues behind. It is safe for all carpet types. Dries quickly – in about 6 hours. I was so thrilled with this company that I used them again last year on our lower floor carpet and stairs. I love this company! Clean carpets with no toxic chemicals or lingering odors. If you live in Denver I highly recommend them — www.kingorganicservices.com. Also in Denver, I really liked the job ZeroRez did on our small area rugs. www.zerorez.com
Check online for a chemical-free cleaner near you.