One – Eat Well
Olive oil, yogurt, fish, chocolate, nuts, red wine and blueberries. These foods, many or which are part of the Mediterranean diet, all offer heart health benefits along with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Click here to read my blog post on the Mediterranean diet.
Two – Dry Brush
- Helps stimulate the lymphatic system, ridding the body of toxins
- Increases blood flow and circulation, creating firmer skin and reducing the appearance of cellulite
- Helps exfoliate dead skin cells, thus helping skin look smoother and brighter
- Has been known to improve digestion and kidney function
How to Dry Brush:
- Use a firm natural-bristle brush, one that’s easy to hold, long or short.
- Start from the feet and brush towards the heart on DRY skin. I do this each morning before jumping in the shower.
- Spend about 3 minutes dry brushing your whole body, naked.
- Apply just enough pressure to stimulate circulation but not pain.
- After your shower, apply an organic moisturizing lotion or oil.
If you missed my blog post on Skin-tastic Coconut Oil!, click here.
NOTE: Most dry brushes are available in both a long and short handle versions, many of the links in the table will give you a choice to select one or the other.
Three – Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate with Water!
We’ve all heard that ideally we should be drinking six to eight 8 oz. glasses of water each day. However, our bodies and activities might require more. Spending time outside when it’s hot also depletes us of water.
Drinking water is an easy, healthy and pretty affordable anti-aging activity!
By getting enough water during the day, we promote skin circulation AND skin repair. Since our skin contains up to 30 percent water, it helps provide plumpness and firmness when we are properly hydrated. In addition, we get an extra glow from flushing out toxins. Pretty simple and it makes such a difference.
How do I know if I’m dehydrated?
Symptoms of dehydration include the following:
- Little or no urine, or urine that is darker than usual
- Dry mouth
- Sleepiness or fatigue
- Extreme thirst
- Headache
- Confusion
- Dizziness or lightheaded feeling
- No tears when crying
As a reminder, don’t wait until you notice symptoms of dehydration to take action. Actively prevent dehydration by drinking plenty of water.
Four – Use Sunscreen, Self-Tanners, Hats and Sunglasses
I can’t say enough about anti-aging and the sun. We all know people who have spent lots of time in the sun without proper protection. Damage from the sun can age anyone a good 10 years. Yes, we all love our vitamin D and time in the sun (me included!), but not at the risk of looking much older or risking a skin cancer diagnosis.
One of my favorite ways to get a bit of color and summer sun is through the use of non toxic, natural self-tanners. We all know having color on one’s skin helps skin “look” younger and can conceal many age related conditions like spider veins and cellulite. Some of you may have had bad experiences with streaking, orange hands, etc., but I’m here to share that I’ve found a couple I LOVE and have used the past several summers with great success!
My Tips for an Even Application of Self Tanner
- Exfoliation is key followed by a good towel drying.
- Since tanner darkens everything in its path, I apply the tanner lightly over and around any sun spots or freckles. I’ve heard one can also use a cotton swab and dab some heavy body cream over the spots, thus minimizing the effect of the darkening.
- I put self-tanner in my hands first and start with a light application starting at my feet, gently rubbing over foot, toes, ankle and ankle bones, then working my way upwards. I make sure to cover elbows and all “knobs” very lightly so they don’t end up looking dark and odd. Each day, I do this again, adding a little more for the desired color. For me two days is fine, and I feel it blends better.
Whichever natural self-tanner you choose, opt for a cream or lotion over spray products. Some studies have shown that the active ingredient in sunless tanners, dihydroxyacetone, or DHA, can irritate lungs and may damage DNA when inhaled. DHA has also been shown to increase the production of free radicals when exposed to the sun, which can up your risk of skin cancer. So, be smart and always apply sunscreen before going outdoors.
I put together two “recipe cards” for effective application of self-tanners.
Click here to learn “How much to apply, and where…”
Click here for before & after you “tan” tips.
If you missed my post on Non Toxic Sunscreens, click here! Remember, hats and sunglasses also preserve our skin, especially around the eyes!
Five – Get More Sleep
Who hasn’t heard about getting one’s “beauty rest”? Overall, poor sleep quality can accelerate the signs of skin aging and weaken the skin’s ability to repair itself at night. When we sleep, our bodies get a chance to replenish and repair. I recommend getting a good 7-8 hours sleep each night but if you can get more beauty rest, I say go for it!
If you missed my blog post on “Simple Sleep Strategies,” click here to read it.
Six – Exercise 20 Minutes Everyday
A recent study presented at the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine annual meeting, found that working out roughly three times a week has been shown to be a protector of youth, as it changes the body and reverses “skin age.” Exercising promotes circulation, flushes out toxins and in general creates a more youthful appearance in addition to the overall health benefits.
Seven – Live with Less Chronic Stress
We all know that chronic stress impacts our health negatively. As far as aging goes, these are important reasons to manage chronic stress:
- Cognitive Troubles – Chronic stress is associated with higher risk for Alzheimer’s disease.
Decreased Hearing and Vision – Chronic stress can break down the integrity of seeing and hearing abilities.
- Cell Damage – Cell degeneration is a contributing factor in many common signs of aging, including poor immune health, reduced skin elasticity and low energy levels.
- Weight Gain – Stress can impact your ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Feeling stressed often leads people to overeat or make otherwise poor food choices, while feeling overwhelmed or short on time is a common reason for skipping exercise.
- Memory Loss – Aside from general cognitive decline, stress can specifically increase your risk for memory loss and difficulty forming new memories. Stress-induced memory loss may cause general forgetfulness, trouble recalling names and confusion completing tasks. Controlling stress levels can often reverse this type of memory loss.
Eight – Practice Youthful Posture!
Nothing says “young” more than standing and sitting tall! Stooped shoulders and droopy posture add years to anyone’s age. By carrying oneself tall and straight, we not only feel more confident, but we also feel “younger.” An easy way to look young!
Along with my eight favorite tips for anti-aging, I have to also mention a favorite book. Dr. Agus, MD, is the author of A Short Guide to a Long Life. He provides a practical guide for everyone who wants to live a “vigorous, lengthy” life along with progressive, easy ideas for prolonging the life of cancer patients and cancer survivors.
As most of us know, anti-aging occurs on many levels – emotional, physical and spiritual. Most of also know what “feels” healthy. I invite you to join me in continuing to seek out and make simple daily choices that honor our overall health. When we take care of ourselves we can shine at any age!
Frugal Fit Family
Healthy Living
Naturally Savvy
Thank Your Body
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