The Spoils of Oils!

This website contains carefully researched content meant to guide readers in educated health decisions. Although I am not a physician or research scientist, I am a committed and careful researcher of technical information and share health tips which I have considered and used in my own journey of health as a breast cancer survivor. I am also mindful of citing sources and careful not to plagiarize. If you choose to share the information I have published, please extend the respect of citing this website and my name as the source of the information, or citing the sources I have shared out of respect to your readers who choose to trust you as a source or conduit of information in their own journey of health. - Christy Begien, Non-Toxic Lifestyle (c) 2025 All rights reserved, Denver Colorado.

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I use them when I bathe and shower, as room fresheners in diffusers, and as daily uplifting or calming modalities. Lots of us also love their fragrances in potpourri.  They are wonderful as part of natural cleaning products. I also use them in my Reiki practice, and I’ll bet many of you who practice yoga have experienced them in class in one fashion or another. Many of us enjoy them in herbal teas too!

Christy Begien | Christy's Non Toxic Lifestyle

Some of my favorite herbal teas include those with mint, cinnamon, rose or chamomile flowers.

Essential oils offer so much. Did you know using essential oils can help with migraines, stress, insomnia and illness? Extracted from different parts of plants, essential oils are gaining in popularity also for medicinal purposes due to their antibacterial, detoxifying and antiviral properties. And especially because they are a very cost-effective, safe and natural way of treating various health issues.

There are several brands of oils out there, but my friend Clara Wisner is a big fan of doTerra. I met Clara in a spiritual practice class many years ago and continue to stay in touch-she’s a light and is a beautiful example of a woman leaning into her authenticity.  Happy Spring! It’s my pleasure to introduce you all to Clara as our guest blogger to share some of her “Spoils of Oils!”

The Spoils of Oils

Do you wish you had natural solutions for some of your everyday health issues? Seasonal allergies? Fatigue? Pain? Flues and colds? What about stress, anxiety or sad feelings?

Christy Begien | Christy's Non Toxic LifestyleMost people these days have heard of essential oils, but they don’t always realize just how powerful they can be for keeping yourself and your family healthy and happy without using synthetic, toxic meditations or other less desirable or more expensive options.

Essential oils contain volatile aromatic compounds – which is a fancy way of saying: tiny organic molecules that serve a variety of protective, reproductive and regenerative purposes. There are no wasted efforts in nature, everything has a purpose.

Intuitively, we often know to reach for plants to ease ailments, settle symptoms and enhance our well-being. We know that sipping on peppermint tea serves our digestion. We know that tea tree (melaleuca) can be applied to bites and stings. The wellness world has been waxing lyrical about the effectiveness of the humble lemon; that just a squeeze or two in your morning water is effective in kick-starting your metabolism and assisting the detoxification process of the liver. When we sense our nervous systems crying out for calming, or we require a better night’s sleep, we instinctively seek out lavender.

But what you might not have been too aware of, is that:

  • Applying rosemary oil topically can help reduce cellulite and fluid retention.
  • Ylang Ylang is an aphrodisiac (oh yes).
  • And lemongrass not only smells phenomenal, but purifies the air when diffused, and can help stimulate the lymphatic system.

Christy Begien | Christy's Non Toxic LifestyleMedicinal grade essential oils are effective, totally non-toxic and completely safe when we use safely. We don’t need to worry our pets or little humans getting into them and needing to be rushed to the hospital.

We hold so much toxicity under our sink and in our bathroom cabinets; and the truth is.. It’s simply unnecessary. Nature is gentler, safer and ultimately more effective. And, bonus, we get to be active participants in our health care instead of taking a pill and having no idea why or what it’s doing.

If you’re interested in learning more; I’m so honored and excited to teach you about the ins and outs of medicinal grade essential oils in the free online class I am teaching for Christy’s Non Toxic Living community on Tuesday, May 21st, at 6:00 PM MDT/ (8 PM EDT). In this class we’ll learn how essential oils work, how to use the 10 basic oils for 80% of common household health issues, how to tell high-quality essential oils from low-quality essential oils (the industry is NOT regulated, which leads to a LOT of confusion), as well as how to get started with oils in your home and how to get plugged in to tons of amazing resources.

Sign up to get the details on how to join the class here: ​ If you can’t make the class LIVE, sign up anyway and I’ll send you the recorded replay.

Christy Begien | Christy's Non Toxic LifestyleJust to give you a taste of what’s possible, here are my 10 must-have medicinal-grade essential oils: Lemon, Oregano, Balance Grounding, Serenity Restful, Lavender, Peppermint, Wild Orange, Frankincense, Cedarwood and Melaleuca (Tea Tree).

Note: These recipes are only to be made with doTERRA’s ​Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade​ (CPTG) essential oils. Look for the CPTG label on the bottle. Otherwise I cannot guarantee that the oils are pure essential oils derived from plants versus synthetic versions, which have no medicinal benefit. I choose to partner with doTERRA because they are committed to creating the most pure, chemically viable essential oils on the market. They practice sustainable farming methods, use an impact-driven business model, and have a 96% exclusive supply chain using plants from their indigenous habitats.

Immune Bomb (aka “Floom”)
2 drops Lemon
2 drops Melaleuca
2 drops On Guard Protective Blend
2 drops Oregano
2 drops Frankincense
Add to Veggie Cap and take as often as needed.

For Kids: Add 5 drops each to a 10 ml roller bottle, top with Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO), and apply to the bottoms of feet as needed.

Liquid Calm
1 drop Balance Grounding Blend
1 drop Serenity Restful Blend
Apply to the palms of the hands, rub together, and inhale to relax and release.

For Kids: Add 10 drops each to a roller bottle, top with FCO, and apply to the chest and the back of the neck. Or diffuse 4 drops each.

Allergy Shot
2 drops Lemon
2 drops Lavender
2 drops Peppermint
Add to a shot glass of water, swish in mouth for 30 seconds, and swallow. Repeat as often as needed.

For Kids: Add 10 drops each to a roller bottle, top with FCO, and apply to the bottoms of feet as needed.

1 drop Peppermint
1 drop Wild Orange
1 drop Frankincense
Apply to the palms of the hands, rub together, and inhale to get energized.

For Kids: Add 10 drops each to a roller bottle, top with FCO, and apply to the chest and the back of the neck. Or diffuse 4 drops each.

Headache Relief
1 drop Peppermint
1 drop Frankincense
1 drop Lavender
Mix with a little bit of FCO and rub over the shoulders, temples (keep away from eyes!), and the back of the neck to relieve tension and aches.

For Kids: Add 5 drops each to a 10 ml roller bottle, top with FCO, and apply to the back of neck and behind the ears.

Sweet Dreams
4 drops Lavender
3 drops Cedarwood
3 drops Vetiver
Add to your favorite diffuser and use as directed.

For Kids: Add 10 drops each to a roller bottle, top with FCO, and apply to the chest and the back of the neck. Or diffuse 4 drops each.

Sinus Steam Mug
1 drop Lemon
1 drop Melaleuca or Thyme
1 drop Oregano
1 drop Peppermint
1 drop Frankincense

Add drops to a steaming hot (but not boiling) mug of water. Cup your hand over the top of the mug towards your nose, close your eyes, and take deep inhalations through your nose. Repeat as often as necessary. Caution: this mixture is quite intense and not for the faint of heart. Make sure to keep your eyes closed!

The Pain Bomb
4 drops Frankincense
4 drops Marjoram or Oregano
4 drops Copaiba
Add to Veggie Cap and take as often as needed.

Tame the Dragon
Christy Begien | Christy's Non Toxic Lifestyle1 drop Wild Orange
1 drop Balance Grounding Blend
Apply to the palms of the hands, and rub your hands together. Inhale to feel calm, chilled-out, and at ease.

Clara Wisner is on a forever mission to help woman awaken to their innate worthiness. She knows she was put on this Earth to walk beside women on their journey back home to themselves. Clara believes that every single one of us has the ability to harness our innate power for good, healing & transformation without the focus being on “willpower” “discipline” or “hustle”, but instead on trust, self-love and surrender.

Follow her on Instagram @revolutionarylifestyle, or sign up for a free self-love meditation at

In Summary

Christy Begien | Christy's Non Toxic Lifestyle

Mother Nature’s Gifts!

I hope you’ll join me in at Clara’s webinar on May 21st !

Again, here’s the link to registering for her class:  I’m personally looking forward to learning more tips from Clara on integrating oils into my healthcare and home routines. Clara is truly passionate about the use of oils and doTerra and sharing how they can make others’ lives better!

Thank you, Clara, for these wonderful all-natural recipes! And how great that these apply to children. By the way, roller bottles can be found on Amazon or at many natural health stores.

Love the beauty of plants and flowers? Take it another step and learn about the Spoils of Oils  and the additional bounties that Mother Nature blesses us with!


Peace and Good Health!

Christy Begien | The Non Toxic Lifestyle



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