My Holiday “Not-To-Do” List

This website contains carefully researched content meant to guide readers in educated health decisions. Although I am not a physician or research scientist, I am a committed and careful researcher of technical information and share health tips which I have considered and used in my own journey of health as a breast cancer survivor. I am also mindful of citing sources and careful not to plagiarize. If you choose to share the information I have published, please extend the respect of citing this website and my name as the source of the information, or citing the sources I have shared out of respect to your readers who choose to trust you as a source or conduit of information in their own journey of health. - Christy Begien, Non-Toxic Lifestyle (c) 2025 All rights reserved, Denver Colorado.

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A number of years ago some friends and I started the conversation of how cool a “Not-To-Do” list would be, even year round. Seems like so many of us live by lists and when one is finished, we create (yes, we do have choices) another. Certainly there are priorities in our respective lives but in looking at this habit/activity, how many of us could benefit from the culling of the list. And the holiday list… Oh my!

Read on as I’ve put together my own “Not-To-Do” List so that I can stay healthy — physically, emotionally and spiritually this holiday season!

My Top 10 “Not-To-Do” List this Holiday Season

  1. Christy Begien | Christy's Non Toxic LifestyleFeel the pressure to buy for everyone – It took many years to realize it’s just not necessary, and it cranks the stress level.
  2. Go into debt – More gifts, more packaging, more costs… simple.
  3. Forget to take care of yourself – If ever there was a time for that 30-minute walk, or jumping in your tub with some favorite essential oils, this is it! Doesn’t cost you anything and yields so much (especially when you lock the door).
  4. Be around negative people – We all know that negativity drains us, thus creating potential for depression and more stress. Send healing and blessings to those who are unhappy and try to keep yourself in the light of positivity and love.
  5. Strive for perfection – There is no such thing as perfection. Striving for this can yield disappointment and resentment.
  6. Make life more complicated than it needs to be – Less is more, truly! We all know it. Forget the guilt and practice self-care and you will see that we are abundantly blessed with what we have.
  7. Forget about the “Joy” of the season – Yep, the shopping, wrapping, running around can zap the Joy. We have to move it to the top of our To-Do  List!
  8. Eat too much sugar, and overindulge – Who wants to say no to all that beautiful food during the holidays. I say indulge in moderation such that you stay healthy and have only a couple of pounds to knock off in the new year!
  9. Force yourself to feel the “Holiday Spirit” – The holidays are truthfully NOT the most fun time of the year for many. If you are one of those people, be gentle with yourself and let’s all honor and bless those who are challenged with this.
  10. Over-commit – It’s hard to say no but be selective in saying “yes” so that the holiday scales are heavy with FUN and light with stress!

Blessings for the benefits of the Not-To-Do List!

Christy Begien | The Non Toxic Lifestyle


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