Please Schedule this ASAP!

This website contains carefully researched content meant to guide readers in educated health decisions. Although I am not a physician or research scientist, I am a committed and careful researcher of technical information and share health tips which I have considered and used in my own journey of health as a breast cancer survivor. I am also mindful of citing sources and careful not to plagiarize. If you choose to share the information I have published, please extend the respect of citing this website and my name as the source of the information, or citing the sources I have shared out of respect to your readers who choose to trust you as a source or conduit of information in their own journey of health. - Christy Begien, Non-Toxic Lifestyle (c) 2025 All rights reserved, Denver Colorado.

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Self-care is now being taken seriously and you hear about it everywhere! It’s not selfish, but rather essential to one’s overall health.

All it takes is 5 minutes, yes 5 minutes and bingo, you’ve done it! What I want you, my dear reader, to promise me is to take 5 minutes to pick a date this week and book yourself a massage! And no cancelling!

Christy Begien | Christy's Non Toxic LifestyleTop 5 Benefits

  1. You will have this to look forward to
  2. This will break up the craziness of holiday busyness
  3. You reduce stress significantly for yourself
  4. You might be making this an annual tradition
  5. This could be one of the best GIFTS to YOU this spring season

Book it alone, or with a friend, but PLEASE do this ASAP! I promise you won’t regret it!

Peace, Health and Self-Care!

Christy Begien | The Non Toxic Lifestyle


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