Let the Sunshine In: The Importance of Vitamin D!

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I recently read that an estimated 85 percent of the people in the United States are Vitamin D deficient. I never knew that Vitamin D, which many call the “Sunshine Vitamin,” influences more than 10 percent of our genes. According to Mercola.com there are more than 40,000 medical papers on Vitamin D. This veritable mountain of research indicates that Vitamin D has far-reaching benefits to our physical and mental health. With proper amounts, many health issues could be ...

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Kale: Caped Crusader or Thyroid Threat?

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While Kale is the current superhero of the veggie world, offering a myriad of health benefits, did you know that it could potentially have a negative impact on your thyroid? How can that be, you might ask?

We read that Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston devour it; Kevin Bacon recently declared we’re in “the age of kale.” Bette Midler recently tweeted, “Kale is burning up the veggisphere … Never saw a veg go from wretched to wonderful so fast.” Virtually every restaurant ...

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The “Power of Two” for 2015!

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I believe that the reason most New Year’s resolutions have failed for me have been because my goals have been unrealistic. I too have been caught up in the fast and furious New Year’s endeavors of joining the health club with lofty goals of weight management along with the overachievers club regarding the overwhelming all day projects that surround many of us.

I’ve also been an active member of the avoidance and procrastination clubs. They just don’t work. But I have ...

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