Canola Oil Caution

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This article is particularly close to my heart because it’s been an 18-year journey with huge implications in what I eat.  As we all know, one can develop allergies at any point in one’s life. Christy Begien | Christy's Non Toxic LifestyleFollowing chemotherapy and all of my cancer treatment 18 years ago, I suspected that the chemical treatments had left me with huge cooked tomato sauce allergies. Chemo can alter all sorts ...

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Warming Trends

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Many years ago, I visited my acupuncturist in New England because I was feeling sluggish and experienced digestive issues following eating most meals. While my diet WAS “healthy,” he pointed out that most of my meals, including beverages, were cold. I’ve always loved green, super salads and iced tea, coffee and water.

He suggested that I try “warming” my foods. Given that it was summertime, I was very hesitant and we know old habits die hard sometimes, right? Fast forward 20 ...

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CHOCOLATE! Share the “Yum” this Valentine’s Day!

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With Valentine’s Day just a few days away, I was thinking about how we might “share the yum (and love)” to include everyone, not just children and those in romantic relationships. Don’t most of us love chocolate in some form? I indulge only for the health benefits. (yeah, right!)

So for today, here are some health benefits, some ideas for more inclusive Valentine’s Day celebrations, some chocolate fun facts and a few of my favorite local chocolate companies!

Proven reasons Chocolate, especially ...

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Five “Touchdown Healthy” Super Bowl Snacks!

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According to Healthline News, roughly 11.2 million pounds of potato chips and 8.2 million pounds of tortilla chips will be consumed, packed with fat, carbohydrates and sodium on Super Bowl Sunday. The Calorie Control Council, a trade group representing the low-fat and sugar-free food and beverage industries projects that the average Super Bowl watcher will scarf down 1,200 calories and 50 grams of fat in snacks alone. And then there’s the alcohol and soda. Think about it: A four hour ...

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Enter the No Flu Zone – Boost Your Immune System!

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Yep, we’re officially in the cold and flu season and there are lots of germs flying around. So how do you stay healthy? I recently read that one teaspoon of sugar has been shown to depress the immune system for up to 4 hours! Okay, so there’s one excellent reason to walk away from processed and refined sugars.

Some of us have already gotten a “flu shot,” though according to the Centers for Disease Control this year’s flu vaccine is not ...

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The Power of Two – Intention & Change

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I wrote about “The Power of Two” last year as an exercise in de-cluttering, intended to reduce the crush of feeling overwhelmed. Many of us dread home projects because they can loom so large in our minds. Truth is, many times they are large. My daily mantra for the past year has been “the power of two, the power of two,” in helping me find empowerment, accomplishment and change in my daily actions ...

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Summer Fruit – How Much Sugar?

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It’s almost time and we’re starting to see more  fruits and veggies are coming into abundance. Each summer I can hardly wait for those big, ripe, juicy organic cherries and grapes to arrive at the markets. Sadly, but honestly, I admit to gorging on more than a few in any one sitting. It’s healthy fruit, right? Well, while they’re healthy, they do contain natural sugars, so it’s important to be mindful in keeping helpings to a palm sized serving.

Want to ...

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Super Simple Nut-Seed Bread

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Hands down, this is the easiest bread I’ve ever made, AND it’s healthy and delicious! It’s gluten-free, vegan, oil-free, grain-free, sugar-free, and Keto-friendly! A dear friend introduced us to this bread over a year ago and it’s become a staple in our kitchen. I usually make two loaves at a time, especially since it’s super easy.
Other benefits of nuts and seeds:

  • Great sources of protein.
  • Helps one feel full longer.
  • Big contributors to fighting illnesses such ...
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Tasty Winter Soups

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Hi all,

Many parts of our country are experiencing wet weather and cold temperatures. ! Even though our Denver weather is mild, the changes are being felt and I find soup one of the most comforting of foods during this time of year. and well into winter months. There are so many options for healthy soups and if you make big batches, you can freeze and enjoy down the road. Here are 3 of my winter favs. Enjoy!

Mushroom-Spinach Soup with Cinnamon, ...

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Words Matter

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It’s been a while since I’ve written. Call it COVID-brain or whatever, but I’ve been more in a reflective mode these past few months than a writing mode. First and most importantly, I hope all of you and your loved ones are staying safe and well during this time. This pandemic truly tests us daily in mind, body and spirit. While our lives have certainly changed during the past 10 months, the one thing that hasn’t changed are the January ...

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