Canola Oil Caution

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This article is particularly close to my heart because it’s been an 18-year journey with huge implications in what I eat.  As we all know, one can develop allergies at any point in one’s life. Christy Begien | Christy's Non Toxic LifestyleFollowing chemotherapy and all of my cancer treatment 18 years ago, I suspected that the chemical treatments had left me with huge cooked tomato sauce allergies. Chemo can alter all sorts ...

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CHOCOLATE! Share the “Yum” this Valentine’s Day!

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With Valentine’s Day just a few days away, I was thinking about how we might “share the yum (and love)” to include everyone, not just children and those in romantic relationships. Don’t most of us love chocolate in some form? I indulge only for the health benefits. (yeah, right!)

So for today, here are some health benefits, some ideas for more inclusive Valentine’s Day celebrations, some chocolate fun facts and a few of my favorite local chocolate companies!

Proven reasons Chocolate, especially ...

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Five “Touchdown Healthy” Super Bowl Snacks!

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According to Healthline News, roughly 11.2 million pounds of potato chips and 8.2 million pounds of tortilla chips will be consumed, packed with fat, carbohydrates and sodium on Super Bowl Sunday. The Calorie Control Council, a trade group representing the low-fat and sugar-free food and beverage industries projects that the average Super Bowl watcher will scarf down 1,200 calories and 50 grams of fat in snacks alone. And then there’s the alcohol and soda. Think about it: A four hour ...

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Bedtime Rituals for Better Sleep

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So here we are, soon returning to Standard Time again.  These twice-a-year “adjustments” tend to affect many of us by disrupting our circadian rhythms. According to Psychology Today, circadian rhythm is often referred to as the “body clock.” The circadian rhythm is a 24-hour cycle that tells our bodies when to sleep and regulates many other physiological processes. This internal body clock is affected by environmental cues, such as sunlight and temperature. When one’s circadian rhythm ...

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My Update to Non Toxic Toes for Spring and Summer!

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Don’t you love that almost everywhere we women are getting ready to don our favorite sandals and flip flops! Time to really scrub up and get our feet polished up and pretty. Ever notice the chemical odors when applying nail polish? The Environmental Working Group and Women’s Voices for the Earth deem these smells the “toxic trio.” And each of these “toxic trio” chemicals have been classified as the most toxic by the Skin Deep Cosmetics Database that I mentioned ...

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We Need Your Help!

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Readers, I need your help!

A few years ago, I posted a very informational piece on the off-gassing present in one’s car, particularly during the summer when the sun and accompanying heat can cause indoor plastic components to off-gas, many of which contain a toxin we all know as formaldehyde. As part of my research, I included a study from 2012 on the least-toxic cars on the market.

The good news is that many manufacturers had noted they were phasing out some ...

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Is Your Car Making You Sick?

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I recently learned that the temperature inside a car on a hot July day can be 40 degrees hotter than the temperature outside. So, if it’s 90 degrees outside when I jump in the car, inside it’s a raging 130 degrees! Of course it’s hot and most everyone’s first move is to turn on the A/C to cool down. Not so fast, everyone! We’ve all heard how it’s not healthy to leave a water bottle out in the sun. The ...

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Summer to me is about lots of things that start with the letter “S”! In today’s post it was easy to select categories that have “significance” and that offer “savory accents” to our summer experiences.  Food is so much a part of what we all enjoy – food is “social” as it brings us together; the “seasonal” bounty offers us a huge range of produce we don’t see any other time of the year. Summer also means we get to ...

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The Art of Doing Nothing

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Could this period of “social distancing” actually be considered both physical AND mental health gifts during these challenging days and those ahead? While many of us are working from home in our attempts to ease the spread and the risks of contracting this nasty virus, I am going to be bold and present a few of the gifts in this period.

Consider reduced stress of transportation to and from a demanding work environment. Consider being able to squeeze in a 20-minute ...

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How did I get PERC on my Party Dress?

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“Tis the season…” of holiday parties and getting dressed in our finest clothes, often clothes that can’t or shouldn’t be just tossed in the washer and dryer. Is traditional dry cleaning safe? I don’t think so. Heard of PERC? Read on….

What is PERC?

It’s an acronym for tetrachloroethylene, also known as perchloroethylene. (If you can pronounce these you’re a rock star!) PERC is the primary solvent used in 85 percent of the approximately 35,000 dry cleaners in the U.S. (Green American)

According ...

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