Canola Oil Caution

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This article is particularly close to my heart because it’s been an 18-year journey with huge implications in what I eat.  As we all know, one can develop allergies at any point in one’s life. Christy Begien | Christy's Non Toxic LifestyleFollowing chemotherapy and all of my cancer treatment 18 years ago, I suspected that the chemical treatments had left me with huge cooked tomato sauce allergies. Chemo can alter all sorts ...

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Foods That Can Cause or Worsen Congestion

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Hi all! Whether it’s Spring or Fall,  many of us find  the delights of of the season often bring pollen and allergies. Did you know that while you may be eating healthy, some of those foods may be causing histamines, worsening your allergies and congestion? And for those of you who suffer from regular sinusitis (inflammation or swelling of the tissues lining the sinuses), there’s some good info here that might at least help bring you relief!

You’re going to read ...

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Warming Trends

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Many years ago, I visited my acupuncturist in New England because I was feeling sluggish and experienced digestive issues following eating most meals. While my diet WAS “healthy,” he pointed out that most of my meals, including beverages, were cold. I’ve always loved green, super salads and iced tea, coffee and water.

He suggested that I try “warming” my foods. Given that it was summertime, I was very hesitant and we know old habits die hard sometimes, right? Fast forward 20 ...

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Summer Fruit – How Much Sugar?

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It’s almost time and we’re starting to see more  fruits and veggies are coming into abundance. Each summer I can hardly wait for those big, ripe, juicy organic cherries and grapes to arrive at the markets. Sadly, but honestly, I admit to gorging on more than a few in any one sitting. It’s healthy fruit, right? Well, while they’re healthy, they do contain natural sugars, so it’s important to be mindful in keeping helpings to a palm sized serving.

Want to ...

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Super Simple Nut-Seed Bread

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Hands down, this is the easiest bread I’ve ever made, AND it’s healthy and delicious! It’s gluten-free, vegan, oil-free, grain-free, sugar-free, and Keto-friendly! A dear friend introduced us to this bread over a year ago and it’s become a staple in our kitchen. I usually make two loaves at a time, especially since it’s super easy.
Other benefits of nuts and seeds:

  • Great sources of protein.
  • Helps one feel full longer.
  • Big contributors to fighting illnesses such ...
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We Need Your Help!

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Readers, I need your help!

A few years ago, I posted a very informational piece on the off-gassing present in one’s car, particularly during the summer when the sun and accompanying heat can cause indoor plastic components to off-gas, many of which contain a toxin we all know as formaldehyde. As part of my research, I included a study from 2012 on the least-toxic cars on the market.

The good news is that many manufacturers had noted they were phasing out some ...

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Foods for Lung Health

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A few years ago, Portland, Oregon, registered the poorest air quality in the world due to the raging fires in their state. Read that again… In. The. World. Anyone who spent that particular day outside in Portland had inhaled the equivalent of 15 cigarettes according to an Oregon news source. And that smoke has made its way across the country to Maine due to the jet streams. Add to that, COVID 19 which attacks the respiratory system. Add to that, ...

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Lemon Balm Wild Blueberry Iced Tea

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During these hot days of summer, here’s one of my go-to ice teas. Not that they weren’t refreshing last month, or any month, but many of us are experiencing temperatures over 90 degrees! I love this recipe because it’s easy, healthy and delicious, especially when paired with lemon balm tea. I can easily make a pitcher a day when the grand-kids are visiting! And if you don’t know much about the health benefits of wild blueberries, read on!

First of all, ...

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Is Your Car Making You Sick?

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I recently learned that the temperature inside a car on a hot July day can be 40 degrees hotter than the temperature outside. So, if it’s 90 degrees outside when I jump in the car, inside it’s a raging 130 degrees! Of course it’s hot and most everyone’s first move is to turn on the A/C to cool down. Not so fast, everyone! We’ve all heard how it’s not healthy to leave a water bottle out in the sun. The ...

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Sleep on This – Cherries!

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For all of us, we’re just leaving summer season when fruits and vegetables are plentiful! One of my very favorite fruits are cherries. I just can’t get enough of them in July, when they’re in season. Not surprising is that my favorite pie flavor is cherry, too. In addition to the fact that they’re plump and juicy and just taste amazing, they actually can help with sleep. No kidding! Read on and I’ll tell you how.

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