CHOCOLATE! Share the “Yum” this Valentine’s Day!

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With Valentine’s Day just a few days away, I was thinking about how we might “share the yum (and love)” to include everyone, not just children and those in romantic relationships. Don’t most of us love chocolate in some form? I indulge only for the health benefits. (yeah, right!)

So for today, here are some health benefits, some ideas for more inclusive Valentine’s Day celebrations, some chocolate fun facts and a few of my favorite local chocolate companies!

Proven reasons Chocolate, especially ...

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Five “Touchdown Healthy” Super Bowl Snacks!

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According to Healthline News, roughly 11.2 million pounds of potato chips and 8.2 million pounds of tortilla chips will be consumed, packed with fat, carbohydrates and sodium on Super Bowl Sunday. The Calorie Control Council, a trade group representing the low-fat and sugar-free food and beverage industries projects that the average Super Bowl watcher will scarf down 1,200 calories and 50 grams of fat in snacks alone. And then there’s the alcohol and soda. Think about it: A four hour ...

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