The Super Power of Women’s Hormones!

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Did you know that with hormone support we have the ability to minimize the damages done by aging? Did you know that with appropriate hormone support we have the ability to stay at or near our optimal weights, recover from illnesses more quickly, and protect our bones, hearts and brains from deteriorating? Best of all, did you know that with hormone support we can actually age gracefully AND feel great?

Several years ago,   I shared my personal story of two ...

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Women’s Hormones: A Delicate Balancing Act

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This is the first of a two-part series on Women’s Hormones, for Part 2, click here.

Show me a woman who sleeps soundly eight hours every night, has a high libido, hasn’t gained weight in years (with proper diet), is emotionally stable 24/7/365, doesn’t experience bloating or any mild depression and whose brain is as sharp as a tack, and I’ll show you a woman with perfectly balanced hormones. (And, I’ll sell you some swampland in Florida!)

Okay, so none of us ...

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Two Books I Read from Everyday!

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Yep, I look at these two books every morning! And when I say “read” I mean I turn to a random page each day and am beautifully reminded of the abundance of living simply and with gratitude. I’ve had these books for three years and never tire of reading these gems of wisdom from the author, Mina Parker. She interjects her thoughts with quotes including Emily Dickinson, Mark Twain, Gertrude Stein and others. Not only do I pause with each ...

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Non Toxic Insect Repellents to the Rescue!

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Caroline, this one’s for you! Summertime and the living is easy, except when the flies, gnats and mosquitoes join the party. I can’t tell you how many toxic sprays and creams I covered myself with many years ago without knowing the chemical dangers. The most well-known chemical in insect repellents is DEET. Did you know that it melts plastic and fishing line? Of course it’s effective and insects are smart enough to stay away, but do we want to be ...

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On Pins and Needles – Acupuncture 101

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After decades of being prescribed antibiotics by my doctor for my chronic and frequent sinus infections, I tried my first acupuncture treatment 25 years ago. It was time to to try something different, and I was delighted that I could breathe so much better after my first treatment! I learned that regular treatments could help me manage my allergies and build and maintain my immune system.

Eleven years ago, after months of cancer treatment, my immune system was shot. Surgery, chemo ...

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Skin-tastic Coconut Oil!

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Puxatawney Phil saw his shadow on February 2nd which means six more weeks of winter. Skiers, snowboarders, snowshoe enthusiasts, and ice climbers are thrilled. Those not so thrilled — those people NOT in the above populations and those slipping, chipping and digging out from the mounds of snow in the Boston area. Many parts of the United States are experiencing unusually cold temperatures this winter and lots of people are just plain “over it.” Whether you’re enjoying the winter months ...

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Happy Feet: The Health Benefits of Foot Reflexology!

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Did you know that the human foot and ankle contains 26 bones, 33 joints, more than 100 ligaments, muscles and tendons? The bones in both of your feet added together make up about 25 percent of all the bones in your body. Our feet carry an incredible load everyday and yet are typically the least pampered parts of our bodies. Many cultures have practiced foot massages for years as an alternative to medicine in promoting good health and wellness. And ...

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