Please Schedule this ASAP!

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Self-care is now being taken seriously and you hear about it everywhere! It’s not selfish, but rather essential to one’s overall health.

All it takes is 5 minutes, yes 5 minutes and bingo, you’ve done it! What I want you, my dear reader, to promise me is to take 5 minutes to pick a date this week and book yourself a massage! And no cancelling!

Christy Begien | Christy's Non Toxic LifestyleTop 5 Benefits

  1. You ...
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Let’s Talk – BBC and KISS!

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Nope, not referring to the British Broadcasting Corporation. Try this one on – “Before Breast Cancer!” Let’s get serious about PREVENTION!

Okay, we’re all seeing it –“Breast Cancer Awareness” month. Awareness is a good thing, but as a breast cancer survivor it bothers me that PREVENTION isn’t at the top of the list. Research and shopping to support research for a cure is a noble idea but how can we personally empower ourselves to minimize getting a breast cancer diagnosis to ...

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The Super Power of Women’s Hormones!

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Did you know that with hormone support we have the ability to minimize the damages done by aging? Did you know that with appropriate hormone support we have the ability to stay at or near our optimal weights, recover from illnesses more quickly, and protect our bones, hearts and brains from deteriorating? Best of all, did you know that with hormone support we can actually age gracefully AND feel great?

Several years ago,   I shared my personal story of two ...

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Women’s Hormones: A Delicate Balancing Act

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This is the first of a two-part series on Women’s Hormones, for Part 2, click here.

Show me a woman who sleeps soundly eight hours every night, has a high libido, hasn’t gained weight in years (with proper diet), is emotionally stable 24/7/365, doesn’t experience bloating or any mild depression and whose brain is as sharp as a tack, and I’ll show you a woman with perfectly balanced hormones. (And, I’ll sell you some swampland in Florida!)

Okay, so none of us ...

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On Pins and Needles – Acupuncture 101

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After decades of being prescribed antibiotics by my doctor for my chronic and frequent sinus infections, I tried my first acupuncture treatment 25 years ago. It was time to to try something different, and I was delighted that I could breathe so much better after my first treatment! I learned that regular treatments could help me manage my allergies and build and maintain my immune system.

Eleven years ago, after months of cancer treatment, my immune system was shot. Surgery, chemo ...

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