November’s Short Takes!

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Everyday I’m reading and learning about new ways, products and recipes to stay healthy using non-toxic and non-chemical practices! In addition there are many I’m utilizing each day and always want to share. There are so many that I’ve decided to create a monthly “Short Takes” post where I can share a collection of cool tips in all areas of our lives. You, my readers are smart people so sometimes I don’t need to write 500 words to get my ...

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Why are Autoimmune Disorders Rising for Women?

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Did you know that 80% of people with autoimmune disorders are female? Did you know that digestive issues, headaches, low energy and even eczema can be early signs of an autoimmune disorder? What’s that, you say?

According to Dr. Robin Berzin, an autoimmune disease is “when the immune system, which is supposed to attack outside invaders, starts attacking the cells in your body.” She also notes that autoimmune disorders are on the rise at an “alarming rate.”

Some of these disorders you ...

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What’s Robbing YOUR Immune System?

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Is it possible that we can be exercising, taking supplements, eating pretty healthy, constantly washing our hands and STILL getting sick? All around me people are sick. I hear people asking “How is it that I’m doing all the right things and I’m still getting sick?” What’s up with that?

We depend on our immune systems to keep us healthy. But then, maybe we’re doing (or not doing) things that make our immune systems struggle to keep us healthy.  Our choices ...

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Musings on Spring Delights!

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When the leaves burst forth and I can enjoy tulips on our breakfast table for next to nothing in cost, I am ready for SPRING! I cherish colors in the garden and eagerly await our first farmer’s market opening (we live in Colorado so we don’t get to enjoy the year round markets of other states). I’m a sucker for new cookbooks bursting with visuals that get my mouth watering. I’m ready for new adventures outside that take me out ...

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Spring Snippets

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Spring has sprung!!  Welcome to my “Spring Snippets!” In today’s post I’m sharing “snippets” or small pieces of MANY different, interesting topics I’ve found during the past few weeks that continue to help me and my family live healthy lives.

This time of year I am in full-on mode for Spring break – fresh, lighter foods, new opportunities for getting outside, new books and music that make me want to learn, laugh and dance! Each and every day I discover a ...

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Could Your Toothbrush Be Keeping You Sick?

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Okay, so we had a few funky germs in our home over the holiday season and while washing the bedding and airing out the house, I remembered that bacteria can also linger on our toothbrushes. Most of us brush at least twice a day. Funny how good health can be derailed when brushing with a germy toothbrush, one with lingering bits of bacteria.  It’s easy to forget, right? So, do I replace or clean?  Read on for the latest info ...

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“The Giving Book” – Teaching Children about the Gifts that Keep on Giving

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One of my new favorite books is one that teaches and engages young readers beautifully in the power of compassion and service to others. This is a poignant time of the year, especially when so many children in our communities go without.

While most adults want to bring holiday happiness into a child’s life, how do we instill in them a greater awareness for those around us who may live with less? How do we instill in them that their actions ...

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Healthy Organic Wine Choices for the Holidays!

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U.S. sales of certified organic wine and those made with organic grapes hit $80 million last year, rising 28 percent since 2004, according to the Organic Trade Association (OTA). Today, wine enthusiasts buy nearly twice as much organic wine as they did in 2003. The association says it expects organic wine sales to continue to grow.

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, how about trying an organic wine in lieu of a non-organic one this year? “Why?” you may ask. Here’s ...

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Please Pass the Chi Whiz!

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Okay, many of us have heard of “Chi.” As a reminder, it’s the circulating life energy that in Chinese philosophy is thought to be inherent in all things. Further, in traditional Chinese medicine the balance of negative and positive forms in the body is believed to be essential for good health.

And of course boosting our chi can be fun, as seen in one of my favorite images by artist Diane English, click here to visit her website to ...

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The Perfect Storm Theory of Breast Cancer and Iodine Deficiency

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Okay, so how many conversations do you hear about this topic? Believe me when I say it’s important!  In Lynne Farrow’s book The Iodine Crisis I recently read that thyroid and breast disease “skyrocketed between 1970 and 2000.” Why would that be, I thought? I continued reading. Apparently iodine was looked at as a “universal medicine” going back thousands of years, and used primarily in it’s earlier form as seaweed.

So where did iodine go and why are we ...

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