Bedtime Rituals for Better Sleep

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So here we are, soon returning to Standard Time again.  These twice-a-year “adjustments” tend to affect many of us by disrupting our circadian rhythms. According to Psychology Today, circadian rhythm is often referred to as the “body clock.” The circadian rhythm is a 24-hour cycle that tells our bodies when to sleep and regulates many other physiological processes. This internal body clock is affected by environmental cues, such as sunlight and temperature. When one’s circadian rhythm ...

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Summer Fruit – How Much Sugar?

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It’s almost time and we’re starting to see more  fruits and veggies are coming into abundance. Each summer I can hardly wait for those big, ripe, juicy organic cherries and grapes to arrive at the markets. Sadly, but honestly, I admit to gorging on more than a few in any one sitting. It’s healthy fruit, right? Well, while they’re healthy, they do contain natural sugars, so it’s important to be mindful in keeping helpings to a palm sized serving.

Want to ...

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Could this period of “social distancing” actually be considered both physical AND mental health gifts during these challenging days and those ahead? While many of us are working from home in our attempts to ease the spread and the risks of contracting this nasty virus, I am going to be bold and present a few of the gifts in this period.

Consider reduced stress of transportation to and from a demanding work environment. Consider being able to squeeze in a 20-minute ...

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Magnesium Matters!

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In the past few months, several friends have commented on their insomnia, night leg cramps, depression, migraines and brain fog. Did you know that these can often be symptoms of magnesium deficiency? Did you know that magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body? It truly plays a big part in the health of one’s body.

Even when we think we’re getting enough nutrients through our food, we may actually be deficient. Outside of bone, the highest tissue ...

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The Spoils of Oils!

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I use them when I bathe and shower, as room fresheners in diffusers, and as daily uplifting or calming modalities. Lots of us also love their fragrances in potpourri.  They are wonderful as part of natural cleaning products. I also use them in my Reiki practice, and I’ll bet many of you who practice yoga have experienced them in class in one fashion or another. Many of us enjoy them in herbal teas too!

Essential oils offer so much. Did you ...

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Powerhouse Pumpkins!

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It’s officially autumn and with this season I always think of pumpkins! We carve them, decorate with them and best of all, we eat pumpkin in many delicious ways! Loaded with vitamins and minerals, pumpkin is low in calories, so indulge! In today’s post, I’m going to share the health benefits of eating real pumpkin (not to be confused with artificial seasonings) along with one of my favorite recipes and links to beautiful, easy-to-make table centerpieces!

Did you know that pumpkin:

  • Is ...

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Are YOU Fine? The Power of Two in 2024!

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So the joyful holidays are behind us and I’m staring at a living environment that needs going through again. Is it better than last year? Absolutely, but it’s still too much stuff. Am I feeling frustrated? You bet. “Stuff management” isn’t my idea of using my valuable time for fun, creativity, contributing more to the greater good or being healthy.  Am I fine? No.

What a great post for the first of the year, you say? But there is power in ...

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Body pampering and scrubs are the best at-home treats I love to give myself year-round, especially during the holidays and during the dry winter months. What I love, too, is that I can make enough for myself to enjoy and they make AWESOME gifts for my girlfriends. These are gifts that will be treasured AND used, I guarantee. You will be thought of and thanked every time they step in the shower! Give yourself the gift of glowing, body-licious, beautiful ...

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Kids and Holiday Anxiety

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Holidays are great fun, but let’s face it, don’t we all experience some level of sensory overload and/or anxiety during this time? There’s an overabundance of activities, sugary and not-so-healthy foods, parties, decorations, travel and extra time with family and friends. Tough for adults to manage but how can we help our little ones through to avoid hyperactivity and/or meltdowns?

Over a period of a few weeks, their still-developing brains are suddenly exposed to extra crowds, noise, tree lights, and more ...

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What’s Robbing YOUR Immune System?

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Is it possible that we can be exercising, taking supplements, eating pretty healthy, constantly washing our hands and STILL getting sick? All around me people are sick. I hear people asking “How is it that I’m doing all the right things and I’m still getting sick?” What’s up with that?

We depend on our immune systems to keep us healthy. But then, maybe we’re doing (or not doing) things that make our immune systems struggle to keep us healthy.  Our choices ...

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